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Remembering & Communication
実際にある環境に身を置いて体験したことの想起と、他人の体験の伝聞に基づいてなされた「偽装想起」が、様々な想起の形式によって判別可能であることを示した実験研究です。「足利事件」の被疑者・被告人供述の信用性鑑定の結果に触発されてなされた研究です。森の学位請求論文「想起による体験への接近-社会文化的アプローチから生態学的想起論へ- 」(京都大学博士(人間・環境学)、2011年11月24日取得)からの転載です。この実験は、Mori, N. (2008) Styles of remembering and types of experience: An experimental investigation of reconstructive memory. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 42, 291-314. としても公刊されていますが、紙幅の都合で省いた事例もあり、こちらの方がより詳細な報告となっています。 (read more)
Our particularities as individuals in socio-cultural remembering
The text below was presented to the 2008 ISCAR Conference and once was uploaded on the moodle page of the conference. Because the moodle page seems to be closed, the text is transferred here.
Our particularities as individuals in socio-cultural remembering *1
We have to construct our experience in proper ways that societies, cultures, and institutions validate (Gergen, 1994). Socio-culturally invalid remembering would not be considered as proper remembering. We have gradually learnt properly remembering in our culture from our childhood through the communication with culturally adept adults.... (read more)
Remembering as a special mode of perception
-The dualisation of environment and
semantic/syntactic regulation in remembering-
The Slides and texts below were presented at the 15th Meeting of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology.
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The third way to remembering and memory
-Neither storage nor construction but body-environment contact-
The Slides and texts below were presented at the 15th Meeting of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology.
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Bodiliy and semiotic exploration of past events
-Another challenge of ecological psychology for commemorative activities-
Mori & Murakami (2017) presented a case study of commemorative activities. (read more)