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Who and What is the author morichan?
Naohisa MORI
Professor, Ph.D
森 直 久
Department of Clinical Psychology,
Sapporo Gakuin University
Hokkaido, Japan
Curriculum Vitae
Master of Education
Tsukuba University
教育学修士 (筑波大学)
Ph. D. (Human-Environment Sciences)
Kyoto University
Academic Works
(Published in English Only)
Sato, T., Mori, N. & J. Valsiner (Eds.) 2016 Making of the future: The trajectory equifinality approach in cultural psychology. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Mori, N & Ohta, N. 1994 A differential effect of the forget-instruction on free recall and word-fragment completion. Tsukuba Psychological Research, 16, 67-73.
Ohashi, Y. & Mori, N. 2002 Joint construction of 'facts' in court: A case study of microscopic communication. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 4, 73-86.
Mori, N. 2008 Styles of remembering and types of experience: An experimental investigation of reconstructive memory. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 42, 291-314.
Mori, N. 2009 Discrepancies drive remembering and show the particularity of an individual: A commentary on Reavy & Brown. Culture & Psychology., 15(4), 497-505.
Mori, N. 2009 The schema approach: A dynamic view on remembering. In J. Valsiner, P. C. M. Molenaar, M. C. D. P. Lyra, & N. Chaudhary (Eds.) Dynamic process methodology in the social and developmental sciences. New York: Springer, pp.123-140.
Mori, N. 2010 Remembering with others: The veracity of an experience in the symbol formation process. In B. Wagoner (Ed.) Symbolic transformation: The mind in movement through culture and society. London: Routledge, pp.142-158.
Mori, N. 2011 Where are we going beyond the archive metaphor? Culture & Psychology, 17(1), 11-19.
Mori, N. 2006 Improving the Trajectory Equifinality Model (TEM) based on an analysis of the microgenesis of remembering during a mock investigation. Presentation at the Poster Symposium of the 19th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development. (Melbourne, Australia)
Mori, N. 2008 Our particularity as individuals in socio-cultural remembering. Presentation at the Poster Session of the 2nd ISCAR Congress. (San Diego: CA, USA)
Mori, N. 2009 A new approach to examine confession and testimony credibility. Presentation at The 8th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory & Cognition. (Kyoto, Japan).
Mori, N. 2011 A socio-ecological theory of remembering: The (re) introduction of the particularity and the historicity to socio-cultural remembering . Presentation at the Poster Session of the 3rd ISCAR Congress. (Rome, Italy)
Mori, N. 2012 The third accountability shows signs of ‘being experiencers’: A contribution to forensic psychology. Presentation at the 30th International Congress of Psychology. (25 July, Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town, South Africa)
Mori, N. 2013 Remembering as a special mode of perception- The dualisation of environment and syntactic regulation in remembering- Presentation at the 15th Meeting of the International Society for theoretical Psychology. (3 May, Pontificia Universidad Catolinade Chile, Santiago, Chile)
Mori, N. 2014 Perception and actions socio-culturally develop each other circularly. Presentation at the Poster Session of the 4th ISCAR Congress. (1 October, Sydney, Australia)
Mori, N. 2015 The third way to remembering and memory ―Neither storage nor construction but body-environment contact― Presentation at the Symposium “Embodied memory and beyond” in 15th biennial conference of International Society for Theoretical Psychology. (27 June, Coventry University, Coventry, UK)
Mori, N. & Murakami, K. 2016 Transmission of memories among generations through physical and narrative activities. Presentation at the 7th Nordic ISCAR Conference. (17 June, Copenhagen, Denmark)
Academic Activities
2009年 1月~ Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science editorial board
2009年10月~2012年 9月 法と心理学会理事・「法と心理」副編集長
2012年10月~2015年10月 「法と心理」編集委員長
2015年10月~ 法と心理学会副理事長
2011年 4月~ 日本質的心理学会「質的心理学研究」編集委員
2014年 4月~2017年 3月 日本質的心理学会「質的心理学研究」副編集委員長